We provide FREE delivery on the territory of Georgia on orders above 100 USD.
If the order doesn’t exceed 100 USD, then delivery will cost 5 USD.
Please note: we have our own production and we produce our clothes in small batches. The production and preparation of your order may take from 1 to 5 business days. After making a purchase on the site, we will contact and orient you on the timing of the readiness of your order.
Delivery time depends on your region.
Delivery price in Georgia includes VAT and other taxes.
At the moment, pickup service is possible at 11 Paliashvili Street.
In the case of self-delivery, the term for issuing a paid order is specified in advance. We do our best to provide you with an unlimited pickup time. We will also announce the changes on our Instagram account.
You can ask a question or clarify the status of an order by DM Instagram or Telegram + 995 571 016 365 (from 11.00 to 19.00 daily)
Free delivery on orders above 300 USD. If your order doesn’t exceed 300 USD, then delivery will cost 30 USD.
We provide worldwide delivery via Aramex, EMS, and Boxette logistic services.
Delivery may take up to 5-10 working days worldwide. *excluding the day of departure, weekends, and holidays (depending on the delivery region).
The term for forming an order is 1-5 working days. It can be increased by 2 days due to many orders.
The term of fulfilling an order in the pre-holiday period may be changed.
As soon as we start packing your order, we will send you a shipment confirmation email with the delivery information and a link to track your order online. Please note, that it can take some days before the tracking information is uploaded.
Once the order has left the warehouse, delivery redirection is not possible.
In case the shipment hasn’t been successfully delivered to the address due to incorrect information provided by the buyer, such as phone number, address, etc. or if the buyer for some reason decided not to accept the parcel or pay the duties/taxes, the shipment would be returned at the expense of the buyer. We will keep shipping costs from the total amount of the order that we have to refund once we receive the return.
We do not reduce the value or assign the status of a gift to the invoice of the goods.
We do not send to PO Box addresses.
We do not deliver to hotels.
All international buyers are responsible for import duties and taxes, the customs agency determines these within the destination country. Please check the local laws and regulations regarding imports before buying. We have no control over these charges and we are not able to give you any information about the cost that would be. You should contact your local customs office for current charges before ordering, in this way you will not be surprised by charges you were not expecting.7